PhD (doctorate of philosophy in environmental sciences) conferred on Wednesday 3 June 2021, Tamaki-makarau, Aotearoa New Zealand. Its done! Visit university of auckland researchspace to read and view if you wish. The three papers inside the thesis are now published too. Details include: (1) Makey, L. and Awatere, S. (2018) He Mahere Pāhekoheko Mō Kaipara … Continue reading #DRLEANEMAKEY

The Beginning

Image: Pīwakawaka the New Zealand Fantail, Bird Widespread and common throughout mainland Aōtearoa New Zealand, the pīwakawaka is one of the native forest birds that holds a significant position in Māori mythology - death.  Maui tried to kill the mother of all mankind, Hine hui te po, because he wanted mankind to live forever.  Pīwakawaka began laughing … Continue reading The Beginning

Nearly Finished: Thesis Submitted for Examination

Two days before the nationwide Aotearoa New Zealand covid-19 lockdown I handed in my PhD thesis for examination. It was an exhilarating experience in that I was finally at this stage of my doctoral research, but then an anti-climax at the same time. I couldn't catchup with friends and family whom I'd 'ignored' for the … Continue reading Nearly Finished: Thesis Submitted for Examination